My Party Quests

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I mainly laid the framework for the levels. Most of the levels were created by the designer and me together. Within the time period, I was able to make multiple levels including a boss level. I was also responsible for most of the scripts that controlled camera position and certain game mechanics to happen (switches, triggers, etc). I also helped with some portions of the gameplay, but mainly focused on the programming and scripting of most of the level mechanics. Along with that, I was responsible for the implementation of most animations drawn by our artist.

Responsible for most of the feedback user interface, a huge portion of our game. Worked with our artist and sound designer to design and implement most of the feedback. Also worked on the programming of tutorial stages along with another one of our programmers. Within this game, we have multiple mini games as well. I was responsible for some of these minigames and prototyped and implemented the games (music game, drag and drop game). Besides this, there were some other minigames that I made that did not make it through the prototype process.

Contributed with the rest of the team a huge portion of the narrative. Designed a few levels. Was able to make a short demo game within our 10 week time span which included custom scripts and custom levels.

I mainly designed and implemented the main user interface of the game. I helped with the networking and also helped with the gameplay mechanics as well, but my team members contributed more than me on those aspects.

Learned how to use the Oculus Rift SDK and implemented it onto our character. Also was able to help modify existing code to create our randomly generated maze.